Archivo de noticias

Giving Trees & More

November 23, 2021

This year, we can’t let COVID rob children of the holidays. Thanks to our generous community partners and you, MCCF is providing several opportunities for you to make sure that children are not disappointed.

We  have Giving Trees at Community First Credit Union, C.V. Starr Aquatic Center, Feet First Shoe Store, Harvest at the Boatyard, Harvest at Mendosa’s, and Savings Bank of Mendocino County, Mendocino Branch.

Instructions are on our trees and our tags. You can select a MCCF holiday tag, shop for a child and return your unwrapped gifts with your tag to any MCCF Giving Tree by December 13th. MCCF Giving trees will be available right after Thanksgiving.

MCCF Holiday Toy Barrels and Boxes sites will be available around the coast.  Our thanks to  the Wino Crew Motorcycle Club for setting up the collection sites, health, nonprofit and school employees, Harvest Markets and dozens of community partners and volunteers for helping us bring the spirit of the holidays to our Mendocino Coast community children.

North Coast MCCF Holiday Toy Drive  at: Coast Hardware, Coast Theatre, Community First Credit Union, Denny's Restaurant, Harvest Markets at Boatyard and Mendosas, Outlet Store, Rite Aid Pharmacy, Savings Bank of Mendocino County - Fort Bragg, and State Farm (Carol Milsap). Please do not wrap gifts. Call MCCF  if you need more information please.  You can mail directly to: MCCF, P O  Box 1616, Mendocino, CA 95460.

Last day to drop off toys: Saturday, December 18th.

South Coast  Oddfellows' Holiday Toy Drive at:

Wonderful community effort by S & B Market, Arena Co-Op, Home & Auto, The Sundstrom Mall, or mail directly to Oddfellows' Lodge, P O Box 538, Point Arena, CA 95468.  Last day to drop off toys: Friday, Dec 17th. Contact any drop off site.

For Our Teens

Teens love gift certificates to local businesses and restaurants. Support local businesses and our kids at the same time. Movie Passes, Miniature Golf, Sports Fishing Day Trips, Local Shoe Store Gift Certificates, Gift cards to Salons and Barbers, Video, Arts Supplies, Hardware Stores, Toy and Science Stores and more. Gift certificates that allow teens to give gifts to their family are especially appreciated.

Let's keep our dollars on the coast keeping our community strong. All passes and gift certificates and may be mailed to us at:

MCCF PO Box 1616, Mendocino, CA 95460 or call us and we will pick up.

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